Tuesday, 13 November 2007

The android landed...

... and disperse a lot of dust in the mobile world.

My first thoughts, relatively unordered and not well consolidated...
  • What a cool SDK!!! Everything you need! Very cool documentation (try the search box), Eclipse PlugIn, working samples, emulator, debugging and logging, everything for free on Window, Linux and Mac. Feel free to compare that with the
    • WTK for JME (nearly equal)
    • Symbian S60 SDK (sucks)
    • Windows Mobile (not free, installs tons of crap on your PC, and so on...)
    • iPhone SDK? (We will see...;) )
  • Why have those guys re-invented all the JSRs? The only reason for me is licensing issues. Too bad for the developers.
  • A pretty cool concept of handling application life cycle whiting the OS.
  • I like the approach of a generic data model on the phone, I also like the idea that there are no "native" apps on the phone. Everything is Java. Looks a bit like the SavaJe idea (do you remember that?) but in cool ;)
  • They build in a java - browser bridge! How cool is that?
Let's see where Google drive this game. Many open questions.... How will Google avoid fragmentation? What parts will really become open source? And so on and so forth...
We will see... But nevertheless, this will bring again some action to the mobile world, and changes can't be bad ;)