Sunday, 23 September 2007

build on sand

... are these sculptures. We used the sunny weekend weather to visit an exhibition of sand sculptures.

Mr. Bush is also there:

Monday, 17 September 2007

Illumina 07

This weekend we visited the "Illumina" exhibition around the castle "Dyck" near Duesseldorf. The light installations around the castle looked really beatiful. See additional pictures here.
Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, my equipment is not even semi-pro ;)

Wednesday, 12 September 2007


Here's a good summary of JavaFX and what SUN wants to cover with it. Even that I don't believe that JavaFX Mobile as a full phone stack will be a success, there are good parts of the JavaFX program. For example the Consumer JRE initiative is more then needed now, most interesting part seems to be the Java Kernel idea here.